Thank you for hosting the E-safety Webinar for parents. It was a first for us at St John’s, but you held our hand through the setting up and ‘broadcasting’ process. Your attention to detail and thoroughness took away any anxiety we had. The webinar was a great way to reach out and share information with a lot of parents in a time-efficient manner. The content was engaging and pitched just right. As a result, parents are now well-informed and much more confident at having conversations with their children and taking practical steps to keep them safe online
St John’s Catholic Primary School
Supporting Parents With eSafety
The challenge
St Johns’ RC Primary School wanted to expand their e-Safety program, to include support for parents in how to keep their children safe when online. This followed requests from the pastoral team and the parents themselves. They wanted to educate parents by providing them with clear guidelines about what their children should and should not be accessing, and helpful tips for monitoring their usage.

The solution
H2H Edu used the expertise of our Primary Lead and former Senior leader to develop an online webinar that targeted primary school parents that had children in 5 and 6. The webinar covered the risks involved with children being online, advice for parents about controls and monitoring, as well as important legal and reporting information. At the end of each section, parents had the opportunity to ask questions and were guided to where they could find out more. We also provided resources for parents that helped them to have important conversations with their children.
We also helped St John’s RC Primary with the setup of the webinar, from delivering training on how to host events on the streaming platform and in creating the branding for the webinar.
The results
This webinar was attended by over 80% of the targeted parents, it was definitely the best-attended virtual event the school had hosted. Parent feedback was incredibly positive with 100% of parents agreeing they felt more aware of the risks of the internet and knew how to safeguard their children effectively.

St John’s Catholic Primary School
The aim of St John’s is to create a caring Christian environment in which the love of God is present so that all members of our community – children, parents, teaching and support staff and Governors – can grow spiritually and thus create an industrious and stimulating environment in which the potential of each child can be fully developed.